

SPECT2113 ANALYSIS Digital Portable Spectrometer
The SPECT2113-Analysis is a general purpose spectrometer and analyzer. The device is equipped with a high detection efficiency NaI(Tl) scintillator suitable for fast detection and analysis. SPECT2113-Analysis can be used in different applications such as exploration and mining, fast and accurate analysis tests, radiopharmaceutical analysis and inspection, homeland security inspections, secondary inspection at radiation portal monitors, environmental monitoring and protection, etc.



  • Easy One-hand operation
  • Built-in analysis software
  • Low power (31W Li-on battery)
  • Large full color 4.3inch display
  • Extreme sensitivity to gamma-rays
  • Fast and accurate analysis procedure
  • Radio-isotope library with 28 elements
  • KML output for GIS software (Optional)
  • Geometry settings for increased accuracy
  • Audio output with the adjustable threshold
  • Light Weight 4.5lb. (2.04kg) including batteries
  • NaI(Tl) scintillator with high detection efficiency
  • Accurate analysis based on customized decision tree
  • Element category detection (NORM, Industrial, SNM and Medical)
  • Integrated GPS module for absolute timing and localization of data
  • Continuous operation under severe environmental conditions
  • Automatic logging of scan data with GPS-referencing for further analysis
  • Auto-stabilizing in different environmental conditions


SPECT2113-Analysis is dust protected and can withstand streaming water which makes it a suitable option for different environmental conditions. The device is equipped with audible sound alarm corresponding to the environmental dose rate. SPECT2113-Analysis comes with an embedded analysis software with 28-radioelement library. The library consists of different categories of elements including naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), Industrial, Medical and special nuclear material (SNM). SPECT2113-Analysis can automatically determine the energy peaks in the acquired spectrum, and based on an intelligent hierarchical algorithm and decision tree, it determines the elements presented in the environment. The device comes with different options for source geometry which is then used for evaluating the radioactivity. SPECT2113-Analysis can also calculate the dose corresponding to each found element radioactivity. The spectrometer can be stabilized in any environment including environment with naturally occurring radioactivity or environment containing different radioactive sources.

SPECT2113-Analysis support two working modes, namely search mode and analysis mode. In the search mode, the device stores the measurements and results including dose rate, count rate, GPS info, analysis result, etc. in 1-second intervals. The resulting file have log extension. In the analysis modes, the user defines an analysis time (T) and repetition number (R) and the device accumulates the spectrum for the T seconds and evaluates the results for the acquired spectrum. This result is store in a file with MCA extension which includes the spectrum data too. This procedure is repeated for R times.


Power Jack

19V (2A) DC adaptor


5V DC for PC communication



5V DC for PC communication



Power push button to turn PC on or off

Function Key

Four push button function key (thumb activated)



Power on indicator

Battery status in 3 color (red, orange, green)


Green ring

Sound Alarm

Audio via miniature speaker

Variable audio threshold set point

Audio voice proportional to the count rate

Light Alarm

Main menu: Red blinking text box

Graph menu: Graph color change


Large Full Color Graphic LCD

4.3”, 800 x 480 pixels

Easily view log files with no need to connect to a computer

Analysis Library

Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)

K-40, Th-232, U-238

Special nuclear material (SNM)

Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-240, U-233, U-235


Am-241, Ba-133, Co-57, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Ir-192, Na-22, Ra-226,


Cr-51, Ga-60, I-123, I-125, I-13, In-111, Pd-103, Se-75, Tc99m, Tl-201, Xe-133


Detector resolution

<7.5% FWHM @ 662 KeV  Typ <7%

Count Rate

Maximum 200,000 CPS


 Search Mode

Count rate, GPS information, Analysis result, Dose rate, etc.

 Analysis mode

Spectrum, Hardware parameters, Count rate, GPS information, Analysis result, Dose rate, etc.

Gamma Sensitivity  

0.5 nSv/h CPS

Energy Range

20 - 3000 KeV

Internal Sampling

20 /second

Coefficient of Variation (CV)

3.80% @ 150 CPS

1.94% @ 500 CPS

1.23% @ 1500 CPS

0.50% @ 5000 CPS

0.49% @ 15000 CPS



NaI(Tl), 2” x 2” (  x H) cylindrical  


14-pin 10-stage PMTs

Data Acquisition and Analysis

OS (Interface software)

Built in Windows 7 or higher versions




High Voltage

0-2000V, Positive, 12 Bit resolution

Energy Calibration

Linear and Auto calibration




12bit in 4096Ch @80Mhz FRQ

Conversion time

250nsec with 12.5nsec time interval

Digital Signal Processing

12-bit and 80 MHz ADC

CSP with gain:10  150mV/pC (selectable)

Amplifier coarse gain: (x1 to 150x) in 15 step

Amplifier fine gain: (0 - 2x) in 65536 step

Integration time (0 to 0.819ms) @80Mhz in 0-65536 step

Trigger threshold software adjustment (0 to 100% scale) in 1024 step

Software fine tuning of the Pole-Zero cancellation

Software gain stabilization

Pile-up rejection and Live Time correction

Baseline restorer with programmable averaging



Internal battery pack module (3 cell Li-ion)

Rechargeable Life: over 5 hours at 20°C in full performance


Backup battery pack kit (4 cell Li-ion)

Life: over 5-6 hours at 20°C in full performance


10 hour Standard and backup battery life


Huge 40GB SSD

Storage unlimited Total Count, Scan, Assay, plus full spectrum in 32bit × 4096



Compliant to IEC 61010-1:2010

This Certificate of Compliance can be checked for validity at https://cfp.co.ir/download.ashx?file=Digital-Portable-Spectrometer-SPECT2113-CE.pdf

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  • Core Scanning
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Emergency situations
  • Dose rate measurement
  • Radioactive waste control
  • Customs and border control
  • Scientific Research activities
  • Accurate inspection of lading
  • Nuclear medicine and industry
  • Safe disposal of nuclear waste
  • Unattended/Remote Monitoring
  • Healthcare (thyroid scan and ...)
  • Environmental waste monitoring
  • Port and Border Law Enforcement
  • Radiation monitoring and mapping
  • Geological and raw material survey
  • Artificial radiation sources identification
  • Radiation monitoring in building industry
  • Exploration of different radioactive materials
  • Determination of radioactivity and dose rate of different elements
  • Construction material and products feature measurements

SPECT2113-Analysis can be used standalone using the companion 4.3inch display. In the following we see the most important window in the device GUI.

Figure 1: MAIN panel: Presenting analysis results, total rate, date, time, working mode, battery, alarm, GPS status and element result with appropriate color including industrial group (.IND.), special nuclear material (.SNM.), naturally occurring radioactive material (.NRM.), Medical (.MED.) and Unknown (.UNK.).

Figure 2: Graph panel: Presenting real-time gamma spectrum data with peak position marking in the first mode and the second mode showing survey data graph with threshold level (Figure 3)

Figure 4: GPS panel: GPS status with speed

Figure 5: LOG panel: Visualize files and folders in the device storage

Figure 6: Setting panel: Analysis, survey and device settings with device description

Figure 7: Date/Time panel: Adjusting date and time with auto update option via GPS data

Figure 8: Geometry panel: Point source @15cm, 10cm, 5cm, 0cm and infinity source





Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4





Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

SPECT2113-Analysis GUI

Power Required

Standard version +19V (2A) DC adaptor



package style: 450 x 350 x 200 mm (L x W x H)

spectrometer: 278 x 147 x 166 mm (L x W x H)



without batteries: 1.8kg

with batteries: 2.04kg

Shipping: 5kg (Hard case package)

Storage Temperature

-20°C to 50°C

Operating Temperature

-10°C to 50°C.

Relative Humidity

10 to 80%


