

Digital Gamma-Ray Spectrometer(x-ray)
Spectroscopy Group: This product is one of the spectroscopy group. The DGRS consists of a CFP multichannel analyzer and an integrated high voltage generator and divider to power the photomultiplier (PMT). It plugs directly onto the PMT and can be powered and controlled via an Ethernet or USB connections.

SpectroscopySpectroscopy GroupDGRS2010


  • 2-inch, 2-inch tall, CsI(Na) crystal OR NaI(Tl)
  • 6.5% fwhm (typical) at 662keV (NaI)
  • Very linear photomultiplier tube
  • Low-power embedded high voltage supply Low-power embedded MCA
  • Digital temperature sensor Digital Stabilizer
  • Supports count rates, up to 500,000 cps USB - LAN Supports
  • Digital gain Adjustment
  • 10 bit to 12 bit for low resolution detector


The DGRS consists of a CFP multichannel analyzer and an  integrated  high voltage generator and divider to power the photomultiplier (PMT). It plugs directly onto the PMT and can be powered and controlled via an Ethernet or USB connections. The system includes an ARM-9 processor for Ethernet communication, autonomous data acquisition, and local data analysis.
The high voltage divider can deliver 50µA DC current and 10mA pulse current to the PMT anode while maintaining excellent gain stability.
The device is sealed and specified over a temperature range of -15°C to +50°C


1) DMCA :

Histogram and Trace Plot

Cs-137 Auto Calibration and Calibration with any peak

2) Gamma analyser:

Find peak and Fitting 

Smart Fitting

File Format Digital-GammaRay-Spectrometer-MODEL2010-Catalog.pdf en 5/25/2016 8:55:30 AM
File Format DGRS2010-Mechanical.pdf en 7/28/2016 10:29:37 AM